Tuesday 30 November 2010

two seeds by Rae Bolotin (NSW)

"These seeds have blown in from the lands of imagination, fantasy, and magic" says Rae Bolotin.

Monday 29 November 2010

green forest object by Helle Frosig (Denmark)

Made of plywood, iron, fibreglass and oil-based paint. The catalogue picture shows this sculpture in a cool, northern climate forest. Consider the artist's statement and the placement of the piece in this starker, sandstone based environment by the sea. " The sculpture appears as an alien element seeking to adapt to the surroundings by concurrently simulating vegetation, human habitation, furniture, landscape, playground etc."

Leaving all that aside, it's an interesting and vivid piece.

Sunday 28 November 2010

crossroad by Stephen Marr (NSW)

This beautiful piece is made from timber from the liquid amber. The artist, Stephen Marr, says: "Employing the oldest and simplest medium (solid wood), this work creates an empathy with displaced people, whether immigrants or driven from their land by drought or hardship; all at a crossroad in life."

Saturday 27 November 2010

evidence - the trail continues by Kerrie Argent (WA)

This work by Kerrie Argent is made of recycled plastic bottle lids. Argent, from Western Australia says: " Slugs leave shiny trails, people leave trails of rubbish. Both leave evidence of where they have been by the trail they leave behind."

Friday 26 November 2010

bondi venus by Dennis Kalous (NSW)

Artist Dennis Kalous says of his sculpture, made from recycled sandstone boulders: "Boulders are useless stones. When tooled and put into composition suddenly Bondi venus emerges."

Thursday 25 November 2010

Wednesday 24 November 2010

jolly giants by Steve Croquett (NSW)

Made of hand formed sheet metal. The artists, Steve Croquettt says: " Portrays the comical side of the ancient forms of Easter Island, exploring the evolution of laughter and tummy drumming. Life in the 21st century has become all too serious."

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Leaf-vessel by Virginia King (New Zealand)

This beautiful "leaf vessel" is made of marine grade stainless steel. Virginia King, the artists,says: "My sculpture celebrates life in the South Pacific. By magnifying and abstracting the scale and complexity of natural life forms, I draw attention to their beauty and fragility and the vulnerability of the Earth's ecosystems. Inspired by the ocean and informed by mythology, history, science and literature, the work expresses concerns about ecology and survival and the delicate balance between sustainability and progress. Predominantly my work is created from sustainable timbers, cast bronze and hand finished stainless steel.

The vessel form, a recurrent theme, represents life's journey, hope and migration. Within Leaf-vessel the structural spear symbolises strength and protection."

Monday 22 November 2010

life boy by Paul Caporn

Statement: "Life Boy plays with the notion that sometimes the things we invent to make life comfortable or to protect ourselves are at the centre of the problems."

Sunday 21 November 2010

the amplitude by Christopher Vassallo

Statement: "Corten and stainless steel is used in this work to symbolise the rhythm of the ocean."

Saturday 20 November 2010

anguish by Gangadhar Mahato

Statement: "Works of art are a means of external and internal ideological conflict within the artist to reach for the process of conceptual development."

Friday 19 November 2010

transfiguration "link" XXIII by Mitsuo Tekeuchi (Japan)

Statement by artist: "This work is an experiment in which the artist expresses the concept of position and topologies as one substance."

I think it is a beautiful piece, so sinuous, smooth and pleasing. Do you agree?

Thursday 18 November 2010

splash by Tomas Misura

Misura says: " Explores the dynamics of a moment in time, in the form of a contemporary piece."

Wednesday 17 November 2010

sitting hen by Tae-Guen Yang (South Korea)

Artist Tae-Guen Yang says of his work, made from stainless steel, bronze, resin and lighting: " The chick must eventually venture out into the world away from its mother."

Tuesday 16 November 2010

wind stone - earth and sky by Koichi Ishino

I find the works from the various Japanese artists very exciting. This work by Koichi Ishino is perfectly positioned on the cliffs towards Tamarama. You need to walk all around it to fully appreciate it. Most people I saw were just lookign from one place on the path. Ishino says: "Through reflection evoked by sculpture, the environment can be viewed with imagination."

Monday 15 November 2010

at the table: are we sitting comfortably? by Sally Kidall

This gorgeous setting made of timber furniture, hessian, soil, sand and grass sits on the clifftop. NSW artist Sally Kidall says: "Challenging the predictability of expextations and 'cultural homogeneity', informed by issues relating to human ecology, consumption and materialism."

To me, it seems like a statement on the average wait for service in a cafe in Bondi (perhaps?)

Sunday 14 November 2010

coast guard by Greg James

This work is by Western Australian artist, Greg James. James says of this work it is the signature piece in 'The Pawn Project'....a project based on how we preceive the chess pawn.

He sculpted one of my favourites in 2007, bella.

Saturday 13 November 2010

hello mate by Stephen King

Made of stringybark.

The artist, Stephen King of NSW says:

"First my father died, then my horse died and they led me to this."

How often it is that creativity comes out of loss! This is a concept that interests me.

Friday 12 November 2010

the sky is falling by Hannah Kidd

It's Sculpture By The Sea time, an annual event where sculptures are displayed between Tamarama and Bondi beaches. For the next little while, come on a visit with me!
Today is such a beautiful hot, sunny day I thought I'd start with this one, which seems appropriate.

the sky is falling is by Hannah Kidd, a New Zealander. Made of steel rod and corrugated iron.

The artist says: "Ignorance is bliss - sometimes it gets overwhelming thinking about our contribution to climate change - wouldn't it be easier to be the household pet?"

It reminds me of the leathery "old timers" on the beach, there after a lifteime of sun worship, displaying their join-the-dots skin cancers!