Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Archaeology of the future

Monday, 24 October 2011
St Peters Church
This is the church at which the sign I showed yesterday is located. It is a beautiful patch of green, complete with surrounding cemetery, in a really hectic part of Sydney. The entrance is off the Princes Highway, in an area of fast food joints, a cheap motel, container terminals and light industry.
The church was built in 1838 in Gothic revival style.
Here's some history of the church from their website.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Grilled Cheesus
I adore the TV show "Glee", and there is an episode called Grilled Cheesus in which Jesus appears in a half eaten grilled cheese sandwich. This reminded me of that..... It's in the churchyard of a church at St Peters.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Wandering through department store Myer and came spied this media scrum from an escalator. Of course I went to investigate and be bloggger-on-the-spot and joined the iPhone throng.
It was Elle MacPherson promoting some new product. She really is very beautiful in real life.
Here's what the Sydney Morning Herald had to say about it. One criticism was she mentioned brand names 16 times in 18 minutes. Errrrr.... wasn't that what she was being paid to do - product endorsement?
Friday, 21 October 2011
Space ship?
This "spaceship" appears to have landed in Wynyard Park in Sydney. It allows light in to the underground entrance to Wynyard railway station.
I think it's rather elegant, and "Parisian", matching the nearby AWA tower / mini Eiffel Tower, which dates from 1939.
It was Australia's tallest building until 1958. It has a viewing platform which is no longer open to the public. AWA was a communications company and it was a radio transmission tower.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Enviro Trade Centre
I showed the Enviro Trade Centre in August 2006. The photo above is from then. Since then it's had a paint job, as the photo at left shows.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Lilac tree (maybe?)
Update 30 oct 2011: Fionie the Green Thumb and font on all things horticultural has provided the answer - these are Cape Chestnuts: calondendrum capense, natives to Cape Town. The Cape Floral Kingdom is both the smallest and richest floral kingdom on Earth. They usually grow incredibly well in Australia (Gondwanaland and all that....)
Last Sunday, a beautiful day in Sydney, I was swimming at Bexley pool. I looked up and saw these magnificent flowering trees.
Apart from the beauty of the blossoms, they had the most magnificent scent.
I wasn't sure what they were, but googling seemed to suggest they are lilac trees. I'm still not sure though, so if anyone knows, I'd appreciate help!
Further investigation indicated lilacs are cool climate trees, liking frosty conditions.
That doesn't fit too well, cos the suntrap at Bexley pool doesn't speak of frosts.
Purple lilac flowers are supposed to symbolise the emotion of being in love; white lilacs represent youthful innocence.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Advertising .... Redfern
I was driving to work and on the corner of Elizabeth and Redfern Sts. I was stopped at lights. Looked over and saw what I thought was a single poster - Born to be together, for Bacardi mixers, and the ad with the woman with the machine gun. I couldn't believe it - alcohol and guns - born to be together?
I went round the block and came back again and went over to inspect. The two posters are perfectly aligned, and appear as one.
I wonder if it is mere coincidence?
Monday, 17 October 2011
Sunday, 16 October 2011
SDP on tour ...sunburnt in Villefranch-sur-Mer
Saturday, 15 October 2011
SDP on tour.... the market in Villefranche-sur-Mer
I imagined that the vendor in white was showing his colleague a new app on his phone!
The wares they were beautifully displayed. I wonder if "ancient iPhones" will ever be so lovingly arranged on a market stall?
Friday, 14 October 2011
Switch off!
This was taken by Guest Blogger, Jason Nicholas at the recent Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney. This idea is a very, very dangerous one indeed!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
International students
Sydney is home to a large number of international students. Education is iften referred to as "one of Australia's largest export industries." I prefer not to think of these vibrant young people as cogs in the dismal science. This young woman is from South Korea, the man from India. They are studying hospitality management and were resting after a day of work placement at one of the major hotel chains.
I loved their engaging and sunny dispositions as we chatted for a while, and felt their enthusiasm and engaging manners will take them far in life. For the moment they are enhancing the Sydney scene. I wish them both well in their endeavours! (and I am kicking myself for not asking them their names! I did get an email address, which I seem to have mislaid - so if you happen to drop by, please let me know!)
SDP on tour....The beach at Villefranche-sur-Mer
I have wanted to visit Villefranche-sur-Mer since I glimpsed it from the railway station a few years ago. This year I got the chance.
It's a lovely town, and great place to swim.
From the railway platform there's a fantastic panoramic view.
The couple above were entirely aware of themselves, posing in the most self-conscious of ways. Maybe they were even the grandchildren of this 1960s postcard couple, who seemed rather more oblivious to their surroundings!
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Acts of Kindness
An art project by Michael Landy, Acts of Kindness explores the meaning of kindness in our fast-paced world, focussing on everyday acts of compassion and generosity that go unoticed in the city streets.
This one says "My work driveway is on Pitt Street and getting out at peak hour can be tough, as commuters rush to Wynyard Station to head home at the end of the day. Most nights I rely on an everyday act of kindness - a commuter stopping at the drive and ushering me on so I can get my car out. Thank you!
SDP on tour . . . African music in Gorbio
The band of entertainers were from Burkina Faso in West Africa. It was previously known as Upper Volta, and is a former French colony. It's had a pretty turbulent political history.
Here's a couple of short videos to give you a flavour
Monday, 10 October 2011
Art and About ... time for a bit of a rest!
Just a few metres away from the installation shown yesterday, we came across this sofa, just waiting for us! Having walked several kilometres around Sydney looking at art, it seemed like a great place for Sue and I to have a bit of a rest!
SDP on tour . . African night in Gorbio village
Gorbio is a medieval village in the hills above Menton. It osts numerous cultural festivals, particularly in summer. This night was an African night. Before the entertainment we all sat in the main square of the village and dined on African-inspired food, and drank some wine.

Darkness fell and the singing and dancing began....which I will show tomorrow.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Art and About ... Deconstructing Ways by Isidro Blasco
Deconstructing Ways on the corner of Mullins Street and Market Row. This installation "creates a parallel world for your imagination to step into. Another option to the usual route appears - distorted, but strangely more real than the street you are standing on."
You do feel as if you could walk into it. At first I thought the car coming out of Market Row had spoiled that snap and I'd need to take more, but when I looked at it on the computer, decided it actually "made" the photo! It hides the disjuncture at the pavement level.
The photo below reveals more of how the work is located and constructed. It's like a movie set - all facade and perspective, mounted on a wooden backing scaffold.
SDP on tour ... the shower
Recently Jilly from Menton Daily Photo commented that the beach showers in Menton are superior to those in Ventimiglia - and they are!
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Art and About ... peri(pheral)scopes looking over to the over-looked
In Skittle Lane, there is an installation by Heidi Alexson, Adriano Pupilli and Hugo Moline - a series of periscopes, purportedly showing views of Western Sydney (the over-looked part of Sydney). Only one was working when we stopped by. But I loved the graffiti art (NOT part of the official art...) backdrop to one of the periscopes.
Here's a previous post on Skittle Lane and how it got its name.
Here's a previous post on Skittle Lane and how it got its name.
Friday, 7 October 2011
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