I think the Oceanic Cafe, in Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, must take the prize for the oldest cafe still in its original state in Sydney. Entirely untouched by renovation, it sits amidst a sea of gentrification. I think the bell is tolling for this one! I love the wooden booths and laminex table tops. Do you think you'd like anything on their menu? Rump steak; beef rissoles; bacon egg and chips; lamb's fry; t-bone steak; lamb loin chops.
i would want to try their old fashion steak. it should be good ya?
ReplyDeleteI don't know about much on the menu except bacon and eggs. That sounds like something we eat here for breakfast. That and oatmeal. Nice post.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant, a proper fish and chip shop. I'll be straight over.
ReplyDeleteYippy! Somewhere to go when i come to visit next! I love old places like this. How far is it from where you work?
ReplyDeleteI am greedy, I want to try everything on the menu. I do hope that they don't redecorate the cafe and leave it as it is. It looks FANTASTIC. I love places like this. So unique and charming.
ReplyDeleteedwin: about 5 minutes walk! We might need to go there, then get lattes and cappuccinos elsewhere, no?
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh, it looks just like the milkbar I spend my misgotten youth in, all that's missing is the jukebox and pinball machine VBG
ReplyDelete..or should that be misbegotten....I should have spent less time on the pinball machine
ReplyDeleteTravel in past time (don't know if my sentence as a meaning, nut i can't find my dictionary...)
ReplyDeleteUne pause café, cela donne envie.
ReplyDeleteA pause coffee, that gives desire.
yes yes, we'll go here for a massive slap-up meal and head somewhere else for lattés and cappuccinos. so many places in surry hills too!
ReplyDeleteWhen I walked past this place it looked so run down I wondered whether it was some sort of refuge for the homeless, a static equivalent to Vinnies Van run by St Vincent de Paul. Amazing!
ReplyDeleteYes, isn't it nostalgic, why become like all the others instead of remaining special and old styled.
ReplyDeleteThis is gorgeous - I hope it isn't ever gentrified. We have a local chippy a bit like this - and part of the reason I love going to it is that it looks exactly as it did when I was a child.
ReplyDeletewe were going to go there once for a work lunch, but got put off by the urine smell emanating from the place.
ReplyDeletemy friend Valdi used to take me here for lunch whenever it was his shout.