Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Bubonic Plague

(Click on the photo to enlarge in order to read it)
There's some more historical information about the outbreak of plague in Sydney in 1900 here.
Has there ever been an outbreak of plague, or other epidemic in your city?


  1. This is a touching tribute. I thought this link might interest you: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/3959/Plagstate.htm
    It gives the list of Plagues by state, city and date. It shows that Boston was also seriously hit by epidemic diseases in the past centuries.

  2. Here in Calcutta we faced a similar outbreak around 1993-94, but after that it is pretty much ok.

  3. Interesting post.

  4. When I lived in Madagascar we heard of plague in some rural areas. Taht was in the years 1987-89

  5. No epidemics here save the Bird Flu and J.E. Virus scares.

  6. I found some interesting facts about the Bubonic Plague here. Check it out!

  7. Dorothy Warwick02 July, 2011 12:27

    Could you please tell me where this plaque for the Bubonic Plague in Sydney is please? I am researching George McCredie who 'cleansed'the city of the plague and would love to know where the plaque is.
    Many thanks
