Sunday, 21 June 2009


My colleague from work, Amanda (she's on the right), and her friend Anna-Louise went to Pink's recent concert in Sydney. Anna-Louise had scored backstage passes to meet Pink afterwards.

Have you ever been in the presence of the latest hot celebrity?

(Photo c/- Amanda)


  1. Such good looking women - all of them. I've never been that close to a celeb. Now I've gotta look up Pink (I'm so out of touch.)

  2. All three of them look like stars! Recent hot celebrity? Not recent but my heart almost stopped beating when I ran into Paul Neuman on the University of Minnesota campus years ago. If you are into classical music, I met and photographed Joshua Bell on a sidewalk outside the Ordway Center in St. Paul as he was strolling to the building to perform with his violin for his adoring fans, and I cound myself one of them. His photo is on my 5/27/07 post at visualstpaul (Couldn't figure out how to link it here!)
