Saturday 8 March 2008

Mmmmm, Jaffas!

One of my favourites .... chocolate centres and a hard orange coloured and flavoured shell.

The name comes from from the colour of oranges from Jaffa in Israel. Jaffas are part of Australian and New Zealand cultural folklore. Jaffas have often been sold in movie theatres and have gained iconic status because of the noise made when they are dropped (accidentally or deliberately) and rolled down sloping wooden floors. They came of age at the same time as the movies, being launched in the Australian market in 1931.


  1. In the late 50s I lived in Denman which is a small village in the Upper Hunter Valley. Our cinema was stage every 6 weeks or so in the School of Arts ... and jaffa rolling was definitely in.

  2. Wow. $1.00 for one of those? It must be a big difference in money. On the other hand, our dollar is shrinking like fat off the fat man at the spa since George Wildman Bush took over at the Whine House so anything is possible.

  3. Oh, no Abe! You get a bag full - about 25 for your dollar!

    I love your falling doillar! Ours is about on par now...better than the 48c we got last time I was in the US ;-)

    Microsoft love it too....we're buying more and more imports.

  4. I love Jaffas too, but have never thought about their cultural significance when eating them! An interesting post.

  5. I'd never heard of them before but now I want some!

  6. It may be better than popcorn, but I don't thing I would take it. Actually, I'm not that keen on cinemas that become junk food bars... ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Loved Jaffas Sally, but was more of a Marella Jubes girl myself. I used to empty the packet into my lap before the lights went down, and ditch the black ones, to avoid eating one during the movie. Hated aniseed in those days.
    And I am speechless at the chairs and security guard story...OMG!Is there anything 'free' left in this world???

  8. In England they sell a biscuit - round, covered in chocolate and filled with a bitter orange jelly. Delicious. They are called Jaffa Cakes - so sort of snap! You can get them in France too but under a different name - I forget it now.

  9. I want some! They look better than raisinetts.

  10. i come with you to eat them

  11. You can't get by without the Jaffa... I remember really rolling them down the aisles in the cinema.. they were the days... an expat in US
