Sunday, 2 December 2007

Johnstons creek channel and viaduct

A stormwater channel and the old goods railway viaduct at Jubilee Park, Glebe, which now forms part of the Sydney light rail (tram) line.


  1. Are you guys short of water? We have places in this country that are like that. We went through a 3-month drought but are getting some water now.

    I wanted to describe the White Porcelain Duck I photographed this morning. I did put a picture of it on my Birds Blog as it is a new species I think.

  2. Another "bridge" of sorts. Hope you're home, out of the hospital without need for surgery. Get better!

  3. april - yes, it's a storm water channel. Just for runoff etc.

    Yes, Kate - I'm home! Phew. No dicing and slicing this time :-)

  4. Hi, Sally. You win the theme day quiz and contest on my blog! If you would like a print of something, email me from the link on my profile page. The selection may be limited: the big external hard drive where I store photos went down. It may be salvageable and I have many images on other drives.

    By the way, your picture yesterday makes me think back nostalgically to my only visit to Sydney, 15 years ago. Our family was staying in Wooloomooloo. After we arrived, we staggered to The Rocks, reeling with jet lag. I remember being shocked that the sun was in the north.

  5. By the way, I do hope you are hospital and feeling better. Your humorous, creative posts on the crisis says something about your personality.

  6. Glad to see that you're back home; hope that you're feeling better now!
    Storm water channel is a great idea; some were probably needed here...
    Have a great and healthy week!

  7. Crikey! Do these things atill exist? I thought most countries put them underground these days.

    from South Shields Daily Photo

  8. Sally, I know I'm late getting around to perusing bridge pix, but I have been out of the loop for a few days. Good, unique shots.

    -- steve buser

    New Orleans Daily Photo

  9. Hey Sally - well done! Congratulations on some really super pics. I've stumbled across your blog whilst surfing for sites which would interest our travel community at trivago and have duly placed a link to it at our Sydney pages. Keep up the good work!
    Greetings from Cape Town,
