Sunday, 6 March 2011

Balmain - My Name's McGooley....what's yours?

The view towards Barangaroo (The Hungry Mile) across Darling Harbour from Grafton St, East Balmain. The area where the ship is berthed is due to be developed, amidst much controversy about the extent to which the developers are driving the project.

Such scenes of "ordinariness" in trendy, gentrified Balmain remind me very much (for those who remember) of My Name's McGooley, What's Yours?, when Balmain was a rough and ready workign class suburb, and Sydney harbour was a working port. Now all the freight ships have been moved to Port Botany to the south, and harbour traffic is confined to cruise liners, ferries and pleasure craft. The demand for marinas for luxury boats increases.

The area to the right of the fence is container terminals from the White Bay shipping berths. The plan is to move cruise ship berths here from across the water - again controversial.

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1 comment:

  1. Love coming to your blog and seeing your photos..thank you
