Wednesday 26 July 2006

No photo

I have been trying without success to upload a photo. Seems blogspot is running v-e-r-y s-l-o-w and the operation keeps timing out. I am off to bed now, but will try again in the morning before work, if I have time.

In the meantime, errrr....check out some other cities, or why not spend some time looking through my Archives?


  1. I'm having the same problem, trying to work on photos for a draft post, but nothing works. I see from other sites, tho, that some of the bloggers have had success. Perhaps it's a computer voodoo with both of us!

  2. The same problem for me! Grrr! We have to wait.

  3. 7 hours later, and still no luck.

  4. I also had lots of problems since yesterday, but could manage to upload something in the end.

  5. You know, this happens to me ALL THE TIME!!! A couple of weeks ago, I seriously considered giving up the blog or at the very least changing the format of it. GRRRR!!!! Sigh!

    Hang in there, though! :D
