Wednesday 19 July 2006

Clouds, water, and sky writing

To see what the sky writer was writing, click here.


  1. I don't think most people call them that here either! The founder of Hooters just died the other day - maybe he was being memorialized in your sky!

  2. jenny: apparently this is a re-launch of the chain here - they failed miserably the first time round (quite rightly!)

    thanks edwin!

  3. Actually, advertising sky writing really really annoys me on a numer of levels. Why can't I just enjoy a pleasant walk outdoors without having the sky cluttered up? Also, the waste of scarce resources (avgas), and the addition to global warming. Arrrrrrrrrrrgh.

  4. how many people could have seen it? and how long can it last? just dont think it's worth it if it appear only for short period

  5. thanks kris. I guess it can be seen over much of Sydney, but I agree - for such a short time! I suppose now it's being seen by a few more people: I'm aiding and abetting :-)
