At 6.01 am most weekday mornings, I am the first to slip into the pool at the gym. I swim 1.5 kms, which takes about 38 minutes...(which means I won't be challenging Grant Hackett, the current short course - 25 m pool - world record holder's 14:10:10 or his long course - 50m - record at 14:34:56 any time soon!)
Some mid-winter mornings I've had the pool to myself the entire time. Now it's light at that time, a few more lappers arrive as well, though I still generally get the first few minutes to myself...I love that solitude - just me and the water.
I love the silky feel of the water as I glide through it, and it's a great way to start the day. I prefer the lane second from the left (for some reason I can't explain). I can't imagine my life without swimming. I remember teaching myself to swim at about age 4, and it's been my preferred form of physical activity for the past 45 years.