Wednesday 13 December 2006


It sometimes seems as if walking through Sydney is an obstacle course, as landscaping and street paving and digging things up proceed. This fellow struck a serious pose when I asked if I could take his photo.


  1. Yes I agree. In France they say you can tell when elections are coming up because there are works all around town ;-)

  2. comme quoi les gens (dans la rue) aiment bien etre pris en photo.
    Sinon je suis d'accord avec toi, en ce moment a Evry (et les villes autour) il n'y a que des travaux.

    as what people (in the street) like to be taken in photograph. If not I agree with you, in this moment Evry has (and cities around) it has only work there.

  3. Workmen in Sydney's the friendliest in the world!!!

    I remember just flipping out the Sydney map at a junction where they were working, in 5 seconds, one of them pointed at the map, "here's where you are, just in case you get lost". wow...
