Monday, 11 December 2006

Windy Day

Oops, her hair and skirt have felt the effects of a recent very windy day.


  1. Her hair is funny! It's been windy here too, for several days. What's this wind cooking up?

  2. What I like here is the combination of all the typically Aussie daily life elements: the red standard letter box, the yellow Express Post one, the 'green' bag! Couldn't be anywhere else !!!

  3. Nathalie yes! - it was the green supermarket shopping bag (an doffice worker standard accessory!) which caught my eye...been trying for a while to work out a way to include one in a photo. Well spotted!

    And while I trimmed out all the other details (tree, road, cars), I just had to keep that yellow letter box....the colour intensity.

  4. Great pic Sally. Thanks for stopping by. I love hearing about your son's excitment and curiosity. Nothing like kids at Christmas time.

  5. voila une belle photo, que j'aurais pu prendre, tellement il y a de vent ici. bonne idee

    veiled a beautiful photograph, which I could have taken, so much there is wind here. good idea

  6. :P
    cute postbox! so huge~~
    and her skirt is very vivid.

    shanghai daily photo

  7. She doesn't look very tall. Surprised she didn't blow away in the gusts of wind.
