Community Sheds (often called Men's Sheds) are a newish phenomenon, helping to connect older and younger people in the community as part of Mens Health programs. Many are especially set up for men, who are less likely to have connections and interaction with each other than women, and for whom social networking often comes less easily.
The Deloraine Community Shed was established in 2004 as part of a Health and Wellbeing Project. Blokes who know their way around a chisel are available to give help to fellow "Sheddies". There's an experienced wood working instructor to help you realise your projects. The Deloraine Shed is a Community Shed welcoming all comers. There have been women's cabinet making courses, for example, and bike maintenance for teenagers.
The Shed was open for people to have a look around during the Tasmanian Crafts Fair, held over the past four days in Deloraine. Craftspeople from all over the state were exhibiting their wares in 13 venues throughout the town, including community and church halls, the bowling club and in private galleries.
The cubby house which you can see part of at the back is a just-completed communal project made for a local boy with leukaemia.
I like this photo very much, and sorry I missed it the first time around. Thanks for giving me the link! The information is wonderful and the Sheds are innovative and apparently quite successful.