Dad loved machinery, steam engines, printing presses, his vegetable garden, his family, Australian silky terriers, Indiana Jones movies, making silly faces, The Goons, British comedies, AFL footy, brass bands, cricket, Melbourne, and for a while making his own beer. He loathed the beach, The Show, crowds and wasn't keen on cats.
He was a loyal and steadfast friend, a loving husband for 50 years, a fabulous dad for 48 years, and an adoring Gramps for 12 and a half years.
I miss you dad.
un bel hommage, avec toi en cet anniversaire ;o(
ReplyDeletea beautiful homage, with you on this anniversary ;o(
Beautiful tribute. He's be so chuffed as I'm sure he is.
ReplyDeletehe sounds like a great guy! (((hugs))) to you!
ReplyDeleteSally what a lovely tribute to your Dad - birthdays are hard especially the year after xxxx
ReplyDeleteThis is such a lovely and moving tribute to your dad. Thanks for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteSally, lovely words about your dad. The fact that you miss him shines out of your writing.Besides, i would have gotten on well with him...British comedy, AFL, brass bands (did he play an instrument?) cricket, home brew! A good bloke all round by the sounds of things.
ReplyDeleteYou were so lucky to have such a wonderful father Sally. He would have been so proud of you and delighted with your tribute.
ReplyDelete"Remember me, but not too often ... leave me in peace and I shall leave you in peace ... let your thoughts rest with the living." Just a few words from a Native American Indian warrior that were quoted at my father's funeral in May which I found particularly helpful at the time.
Sally, I remember typing on my Olivetti typewriter, it was probably my favourite brand. A lovely tribute and as I'm sure you know, they never really leave us.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to your dad. I wonder what he would have made of blogging?
ReplyDeleteI'm touched twice to read your tribute written in a Sally's style = direct and without useless words. Now I understand because he cames here in Ivrea. Olivetti became great thanks men like your father and fell down thanks little men like italian politicians and entrepreneurs just able to steal money everywhere.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great gift he gave to you Sally! You obviously inherited some of his finer traits. And, if I recall correctly, your children (son?) is old enough to have had a relationship with him. His memories are obviously golden to you!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful tribute Sally! I understand how you feel.
ReplyDeleteI take it that you sorted all the things he liked by order of importance LOL
Your dad was born on the same day as my twins. I'll remember the date.
Nathalie - no not ordered! Just random as they popped into my head, but who knows how well the head sorts first!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Nathalie's twins!