Monday, 23 October 2006

Wedding Day

An interruption to the architecture series for an announcement:

"Today is Piero's and my 25th - silver - wedding anniversary!"

Where better to pick up a wedding dress (and a few gifts) than at a garage sale? Had to laugh as we drove past this sale out the front of a block of flats this weekend.


  1. LOL Sally and congratulations to U2...25 years!!!! wow!

  2. Congratulations to you both. May the next 25 be happy and healthy!

  3. Bravo, 25 ans de mariage c'est magnifique. felicitation et bonne fête pour cet anniversaire

    Cheer, 25 years of marriage it is splendid. congratulation and happy spend for this birthday

  4. Congratulations to you both. Quite an achievement these days.

  5. Congratulations on turning 25!

  6. happy anniversary! hope you both had a wonderful day together and my warmest wishes fly across the sea.

  7. wow, Sally! 25th is quite a wonderful number - a quarter of a century of committment and loyalty and partnership with the one you love is no easu feat in this busy hussle and bussle day and age - congratulations and to many more laughters and happiness to share!

  8. Congratulations to you both on your 25th Sally. Wonderful assortment of junk in this photo. I love browsing at garage sales.

  9. Best wishes for your special day. I wonder if the chinese Gardens will still be there when Gail & I celebrate our 25th, as we got married there in Feb this year.
    PS I love all these sorts of sales.

  10. What a happy occasion! And many thanks for sharing it with us. I wonder who on this list has been married longest? I think I'd be strong contender.

  11. Best wishes to you both and all your family. 25 years of wedding?! You seem to be so young! A good reason to travel again in France...

  12. Congratulations Sally, and the photo offers a good laugh too!

  13. love to see how life is around the world... good 'shots'... visit me, tell me what u think... bye...

  14. Thankyou one and all for your kind thoughts and words.

  15. 25 years, that's fantastic! Happy anniversary, Sally & partner!

    did u buy that wedding gown? its lovely and kind of 30s :)

  16. Congratulations to both of you!
    Of course I started to count my years
    together with my husband and I must say, that I do not feel myself so old than I could be, because we have been married over 42 years and "the whole packet" is getting better every day:)
    I hope same to you!

  17. Hey Sally.

    Congratulations!!! Here's to another 25 years of blissful marriage.
