Friday, 23 February 2007

Mao Art

I don't know what the artist is trying to say. Any guesses?
It is made from light globe boxes


  1. I was poised with a smart and witty response but then realized "wait a minute, might this have been made by Sally....?"
    I think the artist is trying to say.....hmm....I really haven't a clue.

  2. I think the artist is trying to show us what you can do with lots of light bulb boxes..
    Has it got anything to do with the ban on light bulbs in Australia?
    Thought provoking photo.

  3. No, angela - this photo predates the Thought of Chairman Turnbull on light bulbs!

    But I like the idea. It is set up as the sort of room you may have expected in China when I visited in 1978 (though portraits of Hua Guo-feng accompanied Mao's) - maybe it is as you say, just a convenient material to use to capture a moment in time.

  4. It looks a bit like a school room - are they merit type certificates on the wall?

  5. je savais pas qu'il y avait des adorateurs de Mao en australie...c'est bizarre.
    je te souhaite un bon weekend

    I did not know that there were admirers of Mao in Australia… it is odd. I wish you a good weekend

  6. Sally I didn't understand where you saw this?

  7. Hi Nathalie. I saw it at the Biennale last year. Saw it in my "Vault" and remembered it - it made me scratch my head!

  8. just a grey day :)

  9. Haven't a clue, but it's certainly Chinese. Is this an installation in a museum?

  10. that chinese character is 'fu' which means good fortune and blessings.

    'fu' is pronounced as 'foo' which sounds like 'who?' (yes, the intonation when using it with a question mark)

    but i have no idea what's the story about.. :-)

  11. Maybe he want we know he consider Mao Tse Tung a sort of light, a lighthouse in the night of the China's life. A light that people were happy to follow.
