Saturday, 9 May 2009

Breakfast Point Country Club

For information about the American-style Breakfast Point development, see yesterday's post. Even the term "country club" is borrowed from our friends across the Pacific. It is not a term in use in Australia (and it's certainly not in the country!). It, along with things like the (unstaffed) security gate lend an air of exclusivity to the suburb. The Country Club.


  1. Is it keyed entry, do you know? It is all very beige looking. But I know that many people my age and maybe 10 years older are looking for clean/tidy/low maintenance places to retire to. However, my guess is that this is expensive and not meant as an Over-55s estate.

    I run a million miles from this sort of development. But I would wouldn't I: I rent in a single-fronted single-storey terrace in Waterloo. Can't get much more working-class than that ...

  2. It is very southern coastal in style like found in North or South Carolina or even Georgia in the U.S.

    Are Americans doing the development?

  3. The term country club is used here in Singapore too.

    But ya, it's certainly not country side here. LOL
