Sunday 7 January 2007


Known in Australia and New Zealand as Bluebottles, the Portuguese Man-o-War is sometimes found on beaches. Their tentacles can be up to 10 metres long. I never swim when there are bluebottles around. I don't like risking the "ouch" factor. Fortunately noone in Oz or NZ has ever been reported dieing from a bluebottle sting.
Did you know they are hermaphrodites?
Read all about them here
I know in the UK a certain kind of blowfly is called a bluebottle.


  1. That is somewhat evil looking, though certainly interesting. From that angle it looks like it should be staring in "Alien"...

  2. je ne connaissais pas, elles sont belles. on a des meduses classiques en France.

    I did not know, they are beautiful. there are traditional jellyfishes in France.

  3. Not very appealing-looking but fascinating!

  4. Yeah, they're really dangerous.. I think Iwatch them in Cuba last year... it could be possible? or maybe something that seems too much to this one!
    Wonderful photos in your blog anyway!

    madrid dailyphoto blog

  5. It looks like the rubbery lucky toys that I found into potato chips packs when I was child!!!
