Thursday, 28 February 2008

When it rains it pours

This summer has been about the 3rd or 4th coolest on record in Sydney. The highest temperature in Sydney has been 31 degrees. And rain! Lots of it. After years and years of drought, the La Niña weather pattern has set in on Australia's east coast. In Sydney during February so far (28 days) we've had 230mm of rain over 14 days, including one day with 77 mm! Average for Feb is 117mm over 9 days.

Who'd want to ride a motorbike under those conditions? Not me. The thing to understand is that we rarely get soft, misty rain in Sydney - when it rains it tends to bucket!

I captured this guy through the side window of my car as he moved past. The rain was bouncing around all over the place. It's just an Impression, really.


  1. Sally,
    Please, please, can we have some of your beautiful rain!!
    BTW, I have put another whale photo on my blog today; complete with some Disney whale-a-mation !
    Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. I'm glad you decided to post the shot. Describes the weather perfectly. If you opened your window like I did, you would've gotten yourself and your camera wet. And that just won't do, would it? :)

  3. Sally, Do you intend to post while you are travelling in June. I mean, from Europe, rather than from SydneyDP.
    I wouldn't think that that is bending the "rules" ?
    Sort-of, 'Sydney-on-the Move'.
    Can it be done ?

  4. I like the idea of "Sydney on the move"--you'll have great opportunities to snap and post.

    I've been looking thru my address book because I thought that I had your email, but I guess not. I wanted to respond to an earlier post re. your surgery. Hope all is well and that you are "fit as a fiddle" by now!!

    I, too, have been posting sporadically since living in another country is more time consuming than at home. I love it, though.

    Your comments about rain is interesting; Mexico, too, has had a cool season and I'm afraid that it has affected the local businesses here since they have a short tourist time in which to make their income. Living is sometimes pretty hard for some people.

  5. A nice impression which underlines what your words say: RAIN.
    The change of the climate is making me shiver: here it has been one of the mildest winters and they say there is a very hot summer to come. Well, we'll see ...

  6. An impressive and moving picture.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. And wasn't Tuesday's storm a corker ... very interesting afternoons we are having this week. I adore it!
    Do take your camera with you to Europe. I dont know what "rules" you operate under on a blog like this, but we see things through your eyes - you are our Sydney. It is your sensibility that gets us to focus on the margins. This is why I keep coming back. I would love to see other places through those same eyes.

  8. a rain has to make photograph inside

  9. Thank goodness for the rain, and I love this picture!

  10. After moaning about rain in the UK a couple of weeks ago we have now had our sunniest February since records began :-)
    Still rather be in Sydney though.

  11. Impression, yes. And that's exactly what the impressionists were about. You photo is a beautiful painting ! I love it!
