Monday, 27 August 2007

Belly dancer

Yes, we all had to get up and dance!


  1. And is that one of your new pastimes, Sally? It's supposed to be great for one's body. Yesterday I read about a new trend in birthing babies--having a belly dancer present. And, there was a photo of a very pregnant belly dancer. If my memory serves me correctly, I don't think I would have been very agile as my pregnancy advanced!

  2. I can imagine that must have been exciting to watch.

    She looks interesting too.

  3. lol@kate - no not me, honey! We were at a Lebanese restaurant for dinner.

    There is one school of thought which believes belly dancing began as an exercise in pregnancy and used to be performed only amongst women as an aid in labor. And that it actually symbolises childbirth.

    There are other theories too. But certainly it is very beautiful when performed well (as this dancer did).

  4. Kate again, Sally. Maple Ridge, Canada has a photo today of a belly dancer, too! So sad to hear that it's not part of your repertoire!!

  5. c'est beau sydney ;o) j'adore danser (mais je ne sais pas, et en plus je n'ai aucun sens du rythme ;o) ). C'est une danseuse du ventre ? j'aime cette danse, a voir c'est un reve oriental

    it is beautiful Sydney ;O) I adore to dance (but I do not know, and in more I do not have any direction of the rhythm ;O)). It is a dancer of the belly? I like this dance, has to see it is an Eastern dream

  6. I noticed belly dancing was very popular in Sydney. Through a french doco I found out it was just as popular in Tokyo. Fancy that!

    I'm sure you enjoyed the show, your photo is great!Would have loved to see you perform too LOL

    Re your comment in Avignon Photos, you're right, 8am is considered early here. With hot days and balmy nights and the holiday spirit floating around,people tend to have late nights and late starts !

    But back to school next week and my daughter's school will start at 8am. We'll soon be back on track !

  7. Hi ,
    Well thats interesting, I just took alesson in belly dancing at the gymn here, its not so easy as it seems!

    Great shot and close up.

    :) JoAnn

  8. Crikey, Sally, I didn't recognize you without the sunnies, mate !!!

  9. This just had to see and what explanation could be to this beautiful woman and photo :)

    This belly dance has been here very popular too,and my friends have said, that furthermore, that it is fun, it is very good for your back. And their husbands like, when they are doing their exercising :)

  10. I've got a good belly, but it doesn't know how to dance!
