Wednesday 12 October 2011

International students

Sydney is home to a large number of international students. Education is iften referred to as "one of Australia's largest export industries." I prefer not to think of these vibrant young people as cogs in the dismal science. This young woman is from South Korea, the man from India. They are studying hospitality management and were resting after a day of work placement at one of the major hotel chains.

I loved their engaging and sunny dispositions as we chatted for a while, and felt their enthusiasm and engaging manners will take them far in life. For the moment they are enhancing the Sydney scene. I wish them both well in their endeavours! (and I am kicking myself for not asking them their names! I did get an email address, which I seem to have mislaid - so if you happen to drop by, please let me know!)

1 comment:

  1. Good for them. Studying abroad build lasting ties between people and nations.
