Monday, 17 January 2011

Aboriginal rock carvings

Jibbon headland is home to several Aboriginal rock carvings. Please tread lightly!

Featured here are above: a law man, left: a kangaroo, and below: a stingray


  1. Hi Sally,
    What a great blog!

    I'm working with a Swiss television crew who will be in Sydney in Feb. They're looking to film in some secret Sydney spots, and possibly with someone who could act as their guide. I'd be really interested in having a chat with you about this. You can reach me on
    Would be great to hear from you soon ...

  2. yes, it's interesting!
    IMO, these rock that they used for carving is the same thing as we do in photoblogging... :D

    I love the kangaroo... :)

  3. Sally is the spot hard to find or well signposted?

  4. I've never managed to find these, must have taken the wrong track.

  5. I love the fox.... Sorry, I mean Kangaroo! Ha!
