Bronte is an expensive suburb to buy in to. A modest house will cost a million dollars. Nevertheless, there are lots of young families in the area - often well-paid professional couples. The women in these partnerships are often referred to, rather disparigingly, as "Yummy Mummies" - young, sexually attractive, hip, and stylish. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie and Kate Beckinsale are supposedly archetypal yummies. The opposite of a yummy mummy is a slummy mummy.
Whether they're yummy or not, there's certainly a lot of Mummys around Bronte, as this line of strollers attests.
(This is an older photo that has been in 'the vault' since a warmer time of the year; you may have noticed a bit of a fall-off in the blog lately - due to a very busy time at work, mostly, getting home exhausted and not having as much time to attend to bloggy matters! Apologies!)